Do not keep your cell phone in your pocket or place your laptop on your lap.

Researchers have concluded that sperm quality and fertility rates are declining around the world.

In fact, a 2017 study found that the average sperm count in Europe, Australia and North America fell by 59.3 percent between 1973 and 2011.

Five Main Causes of a Low Sperm Count

There are many possible causes of low sperm count and male infertility; Fortunately, we can control many of them by reducing exposure. The following are the top five causes of a low sperm count:

1. EMFs

Studies have shown that electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs) reduce sperm count due to the heating of the testicles by the EMFs.

Do not keep your cell phone in your pocket or place your laptop on your lap.

2. Cigarette Smoking

Smoking damages the sperm. But what's important is that if you stop smoking, the damage caused by smoking can be reversed.

3. Alcohol

In a study of men with poor sperm quality, excessive alcohol consumption was associated with a decrease in normal sperm count.

4. Plastics

When plastics are heated, they release xenohormones that mimic estrogen in the body.

5. Pesticides and Hormones in Foods

Majority of the  pesticides that is been found on produce and that of hormones added to dairy and meat have a HUGE effect on a man's hormonal balance.

Here are Five Natural ways to Increase the Low Sperm Count

1. Reduce Stress

Studies have shown that stress can cause the body to take defensive actions and conserve energy.

In times of need, it makes biological sense for the body to be less concerned with reproduction and more focused on survival. However, to reduce stress, the cause must be addressed.

2. Get Plenty of Rest and Exercise

Several studies have shown that weight loss and exercise can lead to an improved or increased sperm count in obese and overweight individuals.

3. Quit Smoking

According to one study, men who smoke have 22% less sperm than men who don't. This is because smoking cigarettes causes the sperm count to be lower, they move more slowly, and the sperm itself is malformed.

4. Ejaculate Less Often

Studies have shown that frequent ejaculations can lower sperm count, especially in people with this condition.

So if you are having sex or masturbating on a daily basis, it is advisable to lower the frequency for increased sperm production.

5. Get rid of Excessive Alcohol

Professional studies of the link between low sperm count and alcohol are been limited, it is obvious that the researchers have linked the worldwide use of drugs such as alcohol, marijuana and cocaine with decreased sperm production.

Hello friends! I'm Chioma. I was born in the Eastern part of Nigeria but am from Biafra Land. I studied Economics and also a professional content writer. I decided to leave my full-time job because i wanted to focus on another passion of mine which is writing. I can write on various topics and i have an extensive SEO background.

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