Do you suffer from constant worry and anxious thoughts? The following tips can help calm your anxious mind and ease anxiety.
Tip 1: Create a daily 'worry' period
It has become difficult to be productive in your daily activities when anxiety and worry dominate your thoughts and distract you from your private life, work, and school. this is often where the strategy of delaying worrying can help. instead of trying to prevent or prevent a fearful thought, give yourself permission to own it, but postpone the stay there until later.
Create a 'worry period'. Choose a group time and place to worry about it. It should be an equivalent per day (eg, in the front room from 5:00 PM to 5:20 PM) and early enough that you don't get scared just before bedtime from the US to the US. During your worry period, you can worry about everything you think about. however, the rest of the day can be a worry-free zone.
2. Write down your concerns.
If a fearful thought or concern comes to you during the day, write it down quickly and then move on with your day. Remind yourself that you have time to believe it later, so you don't have to worry about it right away. In addition, it is much more difficult to write down your thoughts - on a computer, pad, or in a mobile phone - than just thinking them, so that your worries lose power earlier.
Re-evaluate your "worry list" during the anxiety period. If the thoughts you've written down are still bothering you, allow yourself to emphasize them, but only for the amount of time you've specified for your worry period. If you look at your concerns this way, you will often find it easier to develop a more balanced perspective. And if your concerns no longer seem important, shorten your worry period and enjoy the rest of your day.
Tip 2: Challenge anxious thoughts
If you suffer from chronic anxiety and worry, chances are you are looking at the planet in ways that make it look more menacing than it really is. For example, you overestimate the chances of things going badly, jump straight to worst-case scenarios, or treat any anxious thought as if it were medication. you will also discredit your own ability to deal with life's problems, assuming you fall apart at the first sign of problems. These types of thoughts, called cognitive distortions, include:
Think all-or-nothing, view things in black and white categories, without intermediate. "Therefore when everything is not perfect, I'm a complete failure."
Overgeneralization of one negative experience, expecting it to last forever. "I wasn't hired for work. I never get a job. "
Make negative interpretations without actual evidence. You act like some sort of mind reader, "I can tell she secretly hates me." Or a fortune teller, "I just know something terrible is going to happen."
Stick to a strict list of do's and don'ts and break up if you break any of the principles.
Responsibility for things beyond your control. Believing that it's your fault that your bodycon had an accident, I think I should have warned him to drive carefully in the rain."
Tip 3: Distinguish between soluble and insoluble concerns
According to the research, you temporarily feel less anxious when you are concerned. Running about the matter in your head distracts you from your emotions and makes you want to achieve something.
Problem-solving includes evaluating a situation, emerging with concrete steps to address it, and then putting the plan into practice. Worrying, on the other hand, rarely results in solutions. no matter how much time you spend on the worst-case scenario, are you no longer willing to influence them if they really happened?
Tip 4: Interrupt the fear cycle
If you worry too much, negative thoughts can seem to run through your mind on endless repetitions. you will wish to get out of control, go crazy, or almost burst out under a load of all this fear. But there are steps you will immediately take to interrupt all those anxious thoughts and give yourself a break from incessant worry.
Get up and get moving. Exercise can be a natural and anti-anxiety treatment because it releases endorphins that relieve tension and stress, boost energy and enhance your sense of well-being. More importantly, by really specializing in how your body feels as you progress, you interrupt the constant stream of worry that flows through your head. focus on feeling your feet touch the floor as you walk, run, or dance, or the rhythm of your breath, or the feel of the sun or wind on your skin.
Take yoga or t'ai chi class. By focusing your mind on your movements and breathing, practicing yoga or t 'ai chi will keep your attention on this, clear your mind and cause a relaxed state.
Meditate. Meditation works by shifting your focus from longer-term concerns or dwelling on the past to what happens immediately. By being fully involved in the here and now, you interrupt the endless loop of negative thoughts and worries. And you should not sit cross-legged, light candles or incense or sing. Just find a quiet, comfortable place and choose one from the various free or cheap smartphone apps that will guide you through the meditation process.
Practice progressive muscle relaxation. this will help you break the endless circle of worry by focusing your mind on your body rather than your thoughts. By alternately tightening and releasing different muscle groups in your body, you release muscle tension in your body.
Try to take a deep breath. once you become concerned, you become anxious and breathe faster, often resulting in further anxiety. But by doing deep breathing exercises, you calm your mind and calm negative thoughts.
Tip 5: state your concerns
It may seem like a simple solution, but it is one of the most effective ways to calm your system and diffuse anxiety.
Taking care of yourself only causes them to emerge until they seem overwhelming. But saying it out loud can often help you get a sense of what you are feeling and put things into perspective. And if your fears are justified, sharing it with someone else can provide solutions that you might not have thought of alone.
Build a robust network. citizens are social creatures. We are not supposed to measure alone. But a robust network does not necessarily mean a huge network of friends. Don't underestimate the benefit of a few people you trust and calculate to be there for you. And if you don't feel like you just have someone to open up to, it's never too late to make new friends.
Know who to avoid if you are anxious. Your anxious combat life can also be something you learned as you grew up. If your mom may be a chronic concern, she's not the easiest person to call if you're anxious no matter how close you are. When considering who you want to show articles to, ask yourself if you feel a few problems feel better or worse after the lecture.