Digital Addiction Among Adolescents


Technology addiction can be defined as the recurring and compulsive use of technology that is increasingly being made, regardless of the drastic consequences for the user of technology. It is important for adults to mentor adolescents to learn healthy ways to replenish their energy levels.

Digital Addiction

It's hard to look away from computer monitors and gadget screens. However, controlling this human tendency is important in order not to become addicted to technology.

Definition of Technology Addiction

Technology addiction can be defined as the recurring and compulsive use of technology that is increasingly being made, regardless of the drastic consequences for the user of technology.

What makes Technology Addictive?

Technology fulfills the human need for dynamic environments and excitement with great efficiency (usually through augmented / virtual reality and quality graphics).

Being an escape from reality, it can be a monotonous killer and a social glue

How about Playing Video Games?

A facet of human psychology is the desire to feel competent, self-governing, and important to other people. Demanding video games make participants feel good at something as they progress through levels.

The same reasons and goals that drive individuals to pursue their achievements in the real world are often present in the virtual world. One can gain virtual wealth or reputation by spending time on games, and this virtual wealth and experience points can translate into a version of actual recognition: gamers today post walkthroughs of their favorite games on YouTube and other such video-sharing platforms, to contact other gaming enthusiasts.

However, a problem arises when the fantasy world becomes more exciting than the real world.

Does Technology addiction Increase an Adolescent's Vulnerability to Substance Use / Abuse?

Evidence supports the use/abuse of people addicted to technology use can develop a neural attunement similar to those addicted to substances. One fear is that technology addicts are more likely to use and misuse resources compared to their peers and employees who use technology in moderation. This makes technology addiction a risk factor and a gateway to alcohol addiction and drug addiction. Tulasi is the best psychiatric and rehabilitation center in Delhi.

How do you End Technology Addiction?

No appliance-world bedroom. Cell phones, computers, tablets, or any other device that facilitates access to the Internet should not be kept in the adolescent's bedroom during the adolescent's sleeping hours.

Manage the game time. Since gambling is a privilege and not a right, playing time must be rationed so that the same time can be used more constructively.

Learn healthy stress management skills. It is important for adults to mentor adolescents to learn healthy ways to replenish their energy levels. Otherwise, they will most likely become addicted to entertainment and stress relief technology in their search for easy stress relief methods.


Hello friends! I'm Chioma. I was born in the Eastern part of Nigeria but am from Biafra Land. I studied Economics and also a professional content writer. I decided to leave my full-time job because i wanted to focus on another passion of mine which is writing. I can write on various topics and i have an extensive SEO background.

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