Improve Your Memory

Bad memory can be a frustrating problem when it becomes a cause for us to continue to function below our capabilities. The consequences can vary in type and severity.


1. Lack of good nutrients.
2. Hardening of the blood vessels of the brain.
3. Poor blood circulation to the brain.
4. Anemia.
5. Depletion of the nervous system.
6. Scattering of mental energies in many activities.
7. Emotional problems that occupy the mind.
8. Lack of organization.
9. Bad lifestyle habits in general.
10. Too much alcohol or other drugs.
11. Chronic use of tranquilizers or pain killers.
12. Lack of exercise or release of tension from movement.
13. Accumulation of toxins in the body.


1. Cleanse body and mind with a clean diet and occasional fasting so that the nerves and blood vessels are revived.

2. Eat foods that contain high amounts of B complex vitamins, magnesium, phosphorus and calcium.

3. If the problem is serious, take supplements: B complex, Brewers? yeast, magnesium, calcium and an amino acid complex specially made to improve memory.

4. Avoid white sugar, white flour and any products made from it. Avoid all chemical preservatives and any processed foods or foods cooked several days earlier.

5. Concentrate on raw fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts and whole grains.

6. Eat alfalfa sprouts regularly.

7. Free your mind daily from everything it charges with deep relaxation and positive projection techniques.

8. Learn to meditate and focus your mind.

9. If you want to remember something specific, repeat it three times to yourself and associate it with an image that you will not forget. Images remain clearer in our minds. So if you make an image humorous or serious about every important thing you want to remember, you will be more successful at remembering.

10. Make lists of what you need to do every day. This way, you don't have to burden your mind with something that a piece of paper can do. When you have completed each activity, tick it off and what is not completed can be carried over that day to the next day. Keep a paper and a pen with you at all times and immediately write down what is important to remember. This way there is no chance to forget something important.

11. Keep a journal in which you observe those things that you often forget. If you can determine what kinds of things you forget and in what situations you usually forget, you may be able to discover a pattern that can be corrected.

12. Perform daily low poses, such as 1/2 shoulder stand, prayer position, and forward stretch to ensure a good supply of blood and oxygen to the brain. These should be practiced three times a day by people with poor memory.

13. Also perform exercises for the nerves of the spine and neck to reduce any tension accumulated there.

14. Get help looking at your emotional life and the various problems that occupy your mind so that you can relieve yourself and focus more clearly and totally on the present moment. Our minds are exhausted and confused by the various worries and fears that make them confusing. If the mind is peaceful and feels safe, it can remember much more clearly.

15. Overcome fear and lack of confidence. These are major obstacles to the free flow of the mind in all situations.

16. Try to accept it until you can solve the problem and don't get upset. When you reject yourself because your memory is weak, you block your mental energies even more. So accept yourself and the problem as you work to correct it at the same time. So, until you improve your memory, accept yourself as you are and use lists widely for more effective functioning.

17. Take part in activities that release you from stress and tension such as
exercises, dancing, walking in nature, swimming, singing, working in a garden and everything else you like.

18. Perform deep relaxation techniques daily and program your mind to inform you of all the important information you need at the right time.

Hello friends! I'm Chioma. I was born in the Eastern part of Nigeria but am from Biafra Land. I studied Economics and also a professional content writer. I decided to leave my full-time job because i wanted to focus on another passion of mine which is writing. I can write on various topics and i have an extensive SEO background.

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