Obesity is one of the fastest-growing diseases affecting children today. An overweight child can contribute to many other health problems. The American Academy of Pediatrics has determined that an overweight child is likely to become an overweight adult. It is the responsibility of our local communities and national organizations to educate and prevent future health problems from obesity.
Therefore diseases, such as hypertension and diabetes, have been directly linked to obesity. Other conditions, such as hypothyroidism and asthma, can also contribute to childhood obesity. If their thyroid gland is not functioning properly, their overall body function will decline. A respiratory disorder can also impair the proper functioning of the human body, causing children to breathe and move slowly. Once children are too tired to exercise or complete their daily activities, they will gain weight. An overweight child is likely already diagnosed or will be diagnosed with these health differences in the future.
Children must have an active lifestyle to stay physically fit and remain healthy throughout adulthood. The American Medical Association recommends that people do continuous cardiovascular exercises for at least thirty minutes every day. This includes children, who actually spend most of their day in front of a screen, such as a computer or a video game. Daily exercise not only keeps kids fit but boosts their immune systems to fight infections and other diseases that can plague their bodies. Encourage your kids to participate in a sports activity, such as swimming, jogging, or playing tennis to increase their metabolism so they can burn calories to lose weight.
Proper eating habits also reduce the risk of childhood obesity and reduce their chances of becoming an overweight adult. Everyone should eat the correct portions of the five basic food groups daily and not cook their food in fat and oil. Eating the right portion sizes reduces excessive calorie intake and makes you responsible for the foods you consume from each food group. It is best to cook your food with natural seasonings, such as bell peppers, garlic, and onions, to reduce the addition of extra salt to your meals.
We can overcome childhood obesity with good education and motivation. Parents should also take their children to the pediatrician for their regular checkups to ensure their health is improving. This can reduce adult obesity, lowering their overall cost of medical care, and increasing their lifetime value. We can make a difference in our children's future by making changes in their exercise and eating habits today.