4 Secrets To Get Rid Of Acne Naturally

An overview of the main foods you should eat and supplements you should take to get rid of acne. I also cover the best washes to use for clean, healthy skin and what foods you MUST get out of your diet immediately if you want to get rid of your acne.

Causes of acne:

- One of the main causes of acne today is the accumulation of bad bacteria, yeast, and candida in the intestines and digestive tract.
- Using antibiotics and birth control pills, drinking chlorinated and fluoridated water, and consuming excess sugar can promote the growth of bad bacteria, yeast, and candida in the body.

Secret 1 to get rid of acne naturally:

1. Remove Sugar, which nourishes yeast and candida. Also, reduce fruit intake.
Replace with: Stevia, a calorie-free, sugar-free, all-natural sweetener.
Raw Honey, a healthy, natural sweetener.
Consume berries in moderation.

2. Removal: grains, especially gluten, that cause inflammation of the intestinal tract.
Healing the intestine will purify the skin.
You can replace it with Gluten-free grains, such as coconut flour and almond flour.

3. Removal: hydrogenated oils, which increase the number of oils in the sebaceous glands of the skin.
Replace with: healthy fats, such as coconut oil.

Secret 2 to get rid of acne naturally:

1. High fiber foods
- Fiber helps reduce bad bacteria and increase good bacteria (probiotics) in the gut
- The best sources of fiber are:
a. Sprouted nuts and seeds (linseed, chia seeds, almonds)
b. Vegetables

2. High-quality protein
- Protein helps balance blood sugar to clear acne.
- The best sources of high-quality proteins are:
a. Organic chicken and turkey
b. Grass-fed beef
c. Wild-caught fish
d. Organic eggs
e. Sprouted brown rice protein

3. Healthy fats
- be informed that  Coconut oil is the best oil to get rid of acne.
- Coconut oil contains antimicrobial properties to kill bad bacteria and fight acne.

A great way to include healthy fiber, protein, and fat in your diet is to consume a superfood shake for breakfast, including:
- coconut milk
- sprouted linseed or chia seed
- organic protein powder

Secret 3 to get rid of acne naturally:

1. Probiotics:
- Probiotics kill bad bacteria in the gut and help strengthen the immune system.
- 80% of the immune system is in the intestines.
- Consume probiotic-rich foods, such as:
a. Cultivated vegetable
b. Kefir
c. Yogurt
d. Amasi
- Find 50 billion IU daily in a probiotic supplement.

2. Zinc:
- Zinc helps restore the intestinal wall and naturally stimulates the immune system.
- Taking 50mg of zinc a day is very effective in fighting acne.

3. Antioxidants:
Elderberry is the most effective antioxidant to reverse acne.
- Try adding 1 tablespoon. elderberry syrup or extract in your superfoods smoothie.

Candida Cleanse:

- Remove all sugar and grains from the diet and consume foods high in probiotics and fiber.

Secret 4 to get rid of acne naturally:
- Use an organic face wash with tea tree oil.
Then tea tree oil is a natural essential oil that kills bad bacteria and moisturizes the skin.

Hello friends! I'm Chioma. I was born in the Eastern part of Nigeria but am from Biafra Land. I studied Economics and also a professional content writer. I decided to leave my full-time job because i wanted to focus on another passion of mine which is writing. I can write on various topics and i have an extensive SEO background.

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