Five Diseases And Health Conditions Of Obesity



A healthcare professional can easily tell if you are obese, overweight, or healthy by simply measuring your Body Mass Index, or BMI, in short. The controls are effective in your weight relative to your height, and it is going to be outside of the range of the standard range, the greater your chances are of developing a critical mass of health problems, from obesity and overweight.

Achieving and maintaining a healthy weight is something that cannot be achieved overnight and could prove to be a challenging task for overweight and overweight people in the long term. Ensuring a healthy weight through appropriate means or at the very least preventing you from gaining more weight can help overweight people reduce the chance of developing specific medical conditions.

Obesity is a national epidemic in the united states, and has been associated with several chronic diseases, including type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, hyperlipidemia, cancer, and heart disease. The serious medical condition is responsible for an amazing 18% mortality rate in the age group of 40 to 85 among the US population, as observed by a health survey conducted in 2013, questioned the deep-rooted, prevailing notion of the medical and scientific community that only 5 out of every 100 deaths in the country are related to obesity. The new finding essentially suggests that smoking is as deadly as cigarette smoking, when it comes to the discussion of public health risks, as the specific way of nicotine use can be linked to 20 out of 100 deaths in the US and is recognized as the main preventable cause of death in the country.

Almost 2 in every 5 American adults were diagnosed with obesity in 2015-16, which is a significant increase of 34% in 2007-08, and its impact became deeper with a steep increase of 5.7% to 7.7% at that time. Although no state reported an obesity rate of more than 15% in 1985, as many as 5 of them registered rates higher than 35% for the year 2016.

Obesity and overweight are often associated with emotional health problems such as depression. People who are either obese or overweight may also experience weight bias as well as face the stigma of medical care providers and others, which, in turn, can result in guilt, feeling of rejection, or shame, further worsening the prevailing problems related to one's mental well-being.

The Main Diseases and Health Complications Caused by Obesity and Overweight are Briefly Illustrated Below.

When the blood glucose concentration becomes abnormally high on a permanent basis,the particular medical condition is referred to as Type 2 diabetes. About 4 in every 5 individuals with the mentioned form of diabetes is known to be obese or overweight. High blood sugar levels can be shown in a large number of medical conditions, such as stroke, heart disease, eye problems, nerve damage, eye problems, and other serious health problems.
Allowing periodic physical activity and reducing your weight from 5% to 7% can prevent or delay the onset of type 2 diabetes in case you belong to the risk group for the specific disease.

When the blood goes through the blood vessels in your body with significantly more force, the particular medical condition is known as hypertension, or more often high blood pressure. It can cause an alarmingly high level of damage to your blood vessels, strain your heart and increase the risk of stroke, kidney disease, heart attack and even death.

The umbrella term heart disease is routinely used to denote a broad and diverse range of medical conditions that can affect the general well-being of the organ. If you have been diagnosed with heart disease, you are at greater risk of heart failure, sudden cardiac death, angina pectoris, heart attack or heart rhythm that is not considered normal. Increased fat levels in your bloodstream, high blood sugar concentrations, and high blood pressure can increase the likelihood of heart disease. Blood lipids, or blood fats, refer necessarily to the triglycerides, High-Density lipoprotein, or HDL) cholesterol, Low-Density lipoprotein, or LDL, cholesterol. Reducing 5% to 10% of your body mass will probably help you reduce the risks of developing heart disease and can help improve your blood flow, cholesterol levels and blood pressure.

If there is a blockage, or a percentage of bloedvatscheuring in the back of your neck, or brain, causing the blood flow in your brain to the limit, All of a sudden, and the medical condition is known as a stroke. A stroke can lead to reversible or irreversible damage to your brain, resulting in partial or complete paralysis and thus, leaving you unable to speak or initiate body movements. To suffice, hypertension is recognized as the vital cause of strokes.

V. Sleep Apnea
Sleep apnea is a medical condition when an individual does not breathe frequently and is virtually common in a large number of people around the world. One can also stop breathing completely for small intervals. If the said Sleep Disorder continues to remain nu-diagnosed and untreated, it can increase the chances of other critical health problems, such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes.


Hello friends! I'm Chioma. I was born in the Eastern part of Nigeria but am from Biafra Land. I studied Economics and also a professional content writer. I decided to leave my full-time job because i wanted to focus on another passion of mine which is writing. I can write on various topics and i have an extensive SEO background.


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